miercuri, 9 martie 2011

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Is this Pitching Helmet the future of baseball?

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 03:47 PM PST

This is an idea by Easton-Bell for a pitcher helmet. I never heard of that before, but if the batters wear one, why not the pitcher?

Especially since the Gunnar Sandberg incident. Sandberg is a high school pitcher who got hit with a line drive and had to be put in a medically induced coma in order to stop the swelling in his brain. Sandberg is all for this helmet, which is made from expanded polystyrene.

This pitching helmet certainly looks like something that baseball players of the future would wear, if someone would make a baseball movie in the future. So if Major League 4 is set far in the future, this would be part of the costumes. Hopefully Charlie Sheen won’t be in that, because I’ve been seeing way too much of Charlie Sheen lately.

Honestly, I don’t see why all the baseball players can’t wear these things. After all, it could protect outfielders and infielders from missed catches. You know, like that guy in Men In Black that gets hit by a baseball while being distracted by a UFO.

Of course, I can see some baseball purists who would object to these, just as I am sure there were some leatherheads who objected to modern helmets. Something tells me the cap guys might have to get over themselves.


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[ Is this Pitching Helmet the future of baseball? copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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This Sleek Vehicle is powered by two screwdrivers

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 03:15 PM PST

You read the headline correctly, so here is some clarification. I am referring to the twin 18-volt electronic screwdrivers that power that back wheel that you can barely see here.

The EX Vehicle is designed by Nils Ferber, and it uses modified bicycle parts. It is capable of speeds of 18 miles per hour. I’m not certain of the mileage of this thing, but the driver better bring some extra Li-on batteries for some long trips. Hey, a lot of vehicles are going electric these days.

I’ve got to admit that this vehicle has a unique position for the driver, but it does not look comfortable. Can you imagine riding around on this all day? I can’t decide whether or not you can fix or damage your back with this thing.

I don’t think there are any plans to mass produce this EX vehicle, but I think it could be popular with the land luge crowd. This one can actually go uphill.

Does this EX Vehicle remind anyone of anything? I’m trying to think of some science fiction movie where people rode around on these things, and nothing is coming to mind. That wasn’t sarcastic at all, it really looks familiar to me, but I can’t think of where it came from. Leave a comment if you can think of some science fiction equivalent of this EX Vehicle.


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[ This Sleek Vehicle is powered by two screwdrivers copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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DIY Pulse Laser Gun looks like it was sent from the future

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 02:38 PM PST

This Pulse Laser Gun may look like it is from the future, but believe me, it was just recently made.

The gun was a DIY project that has a small pulse laser head and generates a kW-pulse of infrared light. There is a video below of it shooting a balloon, but it can blast through plastic, razorblade, and even 5mm of Styrofoam. It has a range a 3 meters, and the gun itself is 320mm long and weighs at 2 pounds.

Just be warned, there isn’t any sound at the beginning of the video, but it kicks in later. Too bad there isn’t any laser pewpew sound. To make up for sound is the sight of this blue lights to create a real science fiction look.

The video says that it is battery powered, and it is good for about 50 shots. For obvious reasons, safety glasses are required at all times.

According to the video, it sounds as if the creator has sold this gun. Hopefully it came with a matching holster. However, it sounds like he or she wants to make more. This looks like you would have to have a license to carry one of these, or a Stromtrooper or Clone Trooper uniform.


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[ DIY Pulse Laser Gun looks like it was sent from the future copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Hands on with the Sony Ericsson LiveView

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 07:07 AM PST

We recently acquired the Sony Ericsson LiveView product, which is effectively a small remote control and display for any compatible Android phone that you can clip to your belt or wear on your wrist like a watch.

The device offers a few useful applications, the incoming call ID (with option to mute the ring-tone), calendar, RSS reader, email and various social networking functions like Twitter and Facebook. You can also it to control the music player on your phone, with all the standard functions that you’d expect.

I think the LiveViews intended audience is for when it’s impractical to remove your phone from your pocket, be it on a busy train, exercising and you still want to stay in touch with your tech or you just don’t want any more missed calls. One small problem we found is battery life we found with constant use it didn’t last a full day and with it being connected via Blue-tooth the Phones battery also started to suffer. In today’s age we expected a full touch screen (like the iPod Nano), whilst the LiveView has 2 hard buttons on the top and 4 invisable soft buttons on screen which took a while to figure out (we’re blokes we only read manuals as an absolute last resort).

In summary it’s a cool little gadget aimed at a niche market. I’m sure later versions will bring more functionality (touch-screen please) and more useful apps. The current version is priced at $159.99 but is available with an amazing saving from Amazon for $78.96.

Cool Gift Idea: Digital Picture Frames, check out our reviews.
[ Hands on with the Sony Ericsson LiveView copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Gadget Thumbnails for 08-Mar-2011

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 09:01 PM PST

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